Women’s Venture Summit 2024 Marketing Toolkit
Maximize your WVS experience by sharing your participation using these resources, samples, and tips.
Whenever posting about WVS, please be sure to tag our accounts and use the official event hashtags.
Tell your colleagues and network about #WVS2024 – Elevate Equity
Our official social media channels:
Instagram: instagram.com/wearewvs
Twitter: twitter.com/wearewvs
If you’re not on Twitter or Instagram, you can tag/find Stella Labs on these other channels:
Facebook: facebook.com/wearestellaco
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/wearestellaco
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCBzfp9Su3K1TsDNTw7kB-Cg/
Official Hashtags & Sample Tweets/ Captions
Our official event hashtags: #womensventuresummit #WVS2024 #weareWVS
Example Tweets/Captions:
Join me and hundreds of female founders & investors in San Diego! The 11th annual Women’s Venture Summit taking place Sept 25-27 is going on a BIG mission to fund women and change the world! Hear from stellar keynotes, vote in a live pitch competition, and be a part of an inclusive community of women leaders supporting fem-led businsses. Tix: womensventuresummit.org #WVS2024 #womensventuresummit #weareWVS
I’m excited to speak at the 11th annual Women’s Venture Summit on Sept. 25-27th! This year’s event will bring together female founders & investors to Elevate Equity. Register today & join me at #WVS2024 —> Tickets: womensventuresummit.org #elevateequity
I’m excited to moderate a panel at the 11th annual Women’s Venture Summit on Sept. 25-27th! Don’t miss this event if you’re a founder or investor or advocate for closing the gender investing gap! Register today & join me at #WVS2024 in sunny San Diego —> Tickets: womensventuresummit.org
Come see us in person at #WVS2024! We’re exhibiting at the 11th annual Women’s Venture Summit! Snag your tickets today! —> Tickets: womensventuresummit.org #womensventuresummit
General Images
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For Sponsors
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For Community Partners
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Web & Email Banners
Let people know about WVS by including a banner on your website, in your email signature, distributed in your e-blast or other electronic communications. Simply post the banner image into place and hyperlink the banner to womensventuresummit.org.

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